When drafting for a reality TV fantasy league, one approaches his picks like any good baseball or football fantasy league player.
1. Review past performance
2. Read scouting reports
3. Predict behaviors based upon those around the player
After careful contemplation, Sean Young seemed like a bit of a no-brainer. But for those people younger than 30 or not possessing the pop-culture knowledge of a savant, she may not seem familiar at all. Here's a quick refresher course.
Sean was born in 1959 in Kentucky, attended school in Cleveland Heights (which is a pretty awful place for anyone wanting to get more out of their life than working at a...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Week Six Point Totals

Finally, this is a real game! At one time there was a 300-point difference between the competitors and now there are only 100! Here's how this week changed thin...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Two Bachelors Added to Now-Complete 'Bachelor Pad' Cast
And the cast list is finally up! Joining the rest of the crazies on Bachelor Pad this summer are two rejects from the current season of The Bachelorette, which I like to lovingly call, The Bachelorette: So Boring I Stopped Watching It, Shh Don't Tell.
Anywho, here are the two new guys:
Blake Julian:
This guy managed to be so forgettable that I thought I'd never seen him before. I was seriously like, "Is that the guy in apartment 52? Is he the guy in ad sales who eats Pringles?" Then I remembered that he was one of the few people to make Grant say, "Hell yeah, I would leave too" in the middle of a ridiculously bad reality TV show. After...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Week Five Point Totals

How am I still losing so badly at this game. It seems that in this game that combines sports and television, sports knowledge is more important? Ugh. Here are the point breakdowns for this week.
The Challenge: Laurel netted Poyer 20 points for getting naked with partner Cara Maria. But CT came back fighting with his own 20 naked points. The other peg in this annoying love triangle, Mandi, also got 5 points for unintentional nudity. Paula Walnuts kissed Ty, who is just the worst, so she got 5 points. But seriously, can she just get it in with Mike Mike already? Please?
Celebrity Rehab: Steven Adler was a an acquisition made out of assumption...
Week Four Point Totals

At this point, Poyer's lead seems almost insurmountable. This lame point week sure didn't help.
Celebrity Rehab started and there were some real winners right out of the gate. No one drafted Amy Fisher, which seems like a big misstep in retrospect. That chick is a hot mess. Michael Lohan knows exactly what he needs to do to get screen time and he did a little crocodile tearing right away. But, it's not the emotion we count, but the eyeball liquid so Poyer got a fat 20 points for male crying. Bai Ling is a cuckoo banana. She cried (twice, eliciting 10 points for Poyer), blessed the rehab facility with a candle ceremony, slinked around like...