Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 10 Point Totals


Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 9 Point Totals

Ohhhhh, we're neck-and-neck coming down the home stretch! Let's look at what went down this week. Now that The Bachelorette is over, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. But alas, not all goodbyes are so happy. We bid adeiu to Basketball Wives this week, and I have to say that I'm going to miss those sassy broads. Little came our ways in terms of points this week -- just a paltry 5 points to Poyer with Evelyn's umpteenth vebal argument with fiance Chad Ochocinco. Even though they go at it, I think these crazy kids might just make it. Certainly, it will end better than Jennifer Williams' disaster divorce from ex Eric. What kind...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Challenge: Rivals Episode 8 Gif Party - Part 3


The Challenge: Rivals Episode 8 Gif Party - Part 2


The Challenge: Rivals Episode 8 Gif Party - Part 1


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bachelor Pad Draft

The last step in our summer Reality TV Fantasy Draft was drafting from the summer blockbuster STD-fest Bachelor Pad. We were both given the opportunity to draft three players each. Here's how it all went down: Round One: Helen: Vienna Girardi:  Look, I have watched a lot of reality television. And I mean, a LOT. And I think that the televised blow-up between Jake Pavelka and his former reality TV fiance Vienna might be the best thing I have ever seen. Did I mention that he's in the house? And that her current beau, Kasey "Guard and Protect Your Heart/Kermit the Frog" Kahl is there too? Oh yeah, she's a total slutbag who has slept with...

Week 8 Point Totals

Blah, blah, blah, points. All I really cared about this week was that it will probably be the last time that I ever have to watch The Bachelorette. Look, people, this marked our inaugural draft season and we made a few mistakes that we certainly won't be making again: Chief among them was including this god awful show. Never, ever again. But before it ended, Poyer got some major points out of it. J.P. Rosenbaum was crowned the winner (?) of the whole shebang when Ashley agreed to spend the rest of her miserable self-hating life with him (50 points). The couple also shared two kisses (10 points) and exchanged a gift (10 points). Over in Celebrity...

Week 7 Point Totals

Well, the day has finally come! Helen has caught up to Poy...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Challenge:Rivals Episode 6 Gif Party

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