Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Ep. 3 Recap

When last we left off Kim was drooling half-words all over a phone that Adrienne was on the other end of. She's lost her power and she was sorry and she needed to look nice to bang basketball players. I'm not actually sure what she was saying, but I'd be willing to bet that she's been taking whatever she takes for long enough that if she were given equal tranq dosage as Secretariat, the horse would go down first. Adrienne and Paul are still waiting at the airpot, sitting in their chartered private jet and asking a still unintelligible Kim (who is still asking who's calling--don't you have her number saved in your phone?) how long it will take...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 4 Trailer!

Hallelujah! A teaser for season four of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is finally upon us! Looks like all of the ladies are back and so are the Herve Leger knockoffs they seem to love so much. Hey, somebody's gotta raise the bebe stock in the Kardashian and Basketball Wives off-season. I can't wait to see single Nene and pregnant Kim--how is this ish gonna stop smoking--and I really hope that Kandi gets that weave under control.  Watch the teaser, below...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Week's Superlatives

Biggest Cry Babies: The cast of The Biggest Loser. Most Disgusting Image: Lisa from America's Next Top Model using her hands to shove a hot dog and relish into her open mouth--full of aforementioned hot dog and relish. Biggest Understatement: Survivor's Coach on Creeper of the Century Brandon Hantz: "He's got demons." You think? Best Dancer: Vinny from The Biggest Loser....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 2 Fall Point Totals

  There were some major leaps this week and some big falls. One thing's for sure: The Real World is going to turn this all on its tail. Here's the show breakdown: Survivor: If there were points awarded for being the world's creepiest potential sexual predator, Keepin' It Classy would be killing it. Unfortunately Brandon was only good for using the word alliance three times (15). That was a popular point-getter this week. Coach and Jim each said it once (5) and Keith twice (10). Coach also got unintentional nudity points, as did Mikayla (10 each). But it Brandon's to be believed she was trying to lure him in with her harlot ways. Give it...

Survivor Episode 2 Gif Party


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 5 Gifs from Kim's Napkin Magic on RHOBH


Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Episode 2 Recap

Apparently our movie this week is Return to Witch Mountain, starring none other than Kim Richards. The ladies are still in Beaver Creek (tee-hee!) and after a long day of skiing, hitting on random dudes and chocolate chip cookie deliveries, it's time for three personal chefs to whip up a little something for these ladies to not nibble on. But, as with all of the dinner parties in this franchise, something goes terribly awry. First Kyle stumbles upon Taylor and Kim having a heart-to-heart, apparently one that was sprung upon Kim when she was trying to nap after a long day of the aforementioned flirting and cookies. See, Taylor has had a few cocktails...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Last Week's Superlatives

Look-alike of the Week: Dawn from Survivor and the troll from the troll meme fame. Most Anticipated Show: The Real World, of course! This looks to be a group of absolute train wrecks. Let the drama begin! Best Collection of Jumpsuits: Sheena from America's Next Top Model. Even Andre Lean Talley agrees: sister, you look fab in a onesie. Dat ass! Biggest Fall: Antone on The Biggest Loser. Look at that chubby bunny go down! Born to be a Reality TV Star Award: Jim from Survivor. He managed to get into a fight with another castaway, lie about his occupation, garner more airtime than even the returning cast members and talk about how...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

5 Best Gifs From Tyra's Crazy Dream Sequence


Survivor Episode 1 Gif Party

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