Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 9 Point Totals


Monday, November 7, 2011

Top 5 Gifs From RHOBH Engagement Party


Week 8 Point Totals

Carly had her biggest week ever, guys! Not that it really matters when Jen's still dominating on the strength of a single player. Ugh, at least I'm still in it, right? Here's what went down this week: Survivor: Making moves, nerd! After the tribes merged Ozzy sent Cochran over to Coach's tribe to root out info from the enemy. Too bad he got spoiled on all of the not-constantly-insulting-him and respectfully-speaking-to-him-like-an-equal nonsense. Given that once one of the tribe gets picked off he'll be at the bottom of the pack anyway, he decided to turn coat and vote Keith onto Redemption Island. Hooray! In between there was much talk of alliances...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 7 Point Totals

Thankfully Jen had an awful week last week. Finally, something good is happening around here, amirite? Here's how it all went down: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: After a few weeks of drama due to the Board Game Night From Hell, the ladies are due for some R&R. And what better way to relax than to hire three waiters, four masseuses, an electrolosis machine operator, a facialist and employ more than $300,000 worth of beautification equiptment? In your own home. That's what Lisa did, then invited the other ladies over to enjoy. Needless to say, it was less than relaxing. All of the extravagence caused Kyle to compare her wealth to Adrienne's...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 6 Point Totals

Slowly closing the gap on Jen's colossal lead. Slowly. Here's the breakdown: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: With the conclusion of the Board Game Night from Hell, the ladies finally decided to wrack up some points. Brandi continued her verbal argument (5) with Kim (5) and Kyle (5), though it was mostly Brandi and Kyle, both of which expressed their anger with nary a inch on their foreheads moving (10 points each). Kyle told Brandi that she ought to get some class (10), to which Brandi responded that everyone there hated her (5). The final straw was Brandi starting to cry (5) after Kyle delivered the final blow by criticizing her parenting...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Worst Audition Ever


Top 5 Gifs of Stacey's Redemption Island Meltdown


Week 5 Point Totals

Here's the point rundown: Survivor: The episode kicked off with Brandon crying (20) about what Mikayla said at Tribal Council. What a big meanie for saying that he was a Hantz and making him cry sad, sad man tears (10). Elyse, Dawn, Whitney and Coach all netted 5 points for uttering "alliance", with the latter also nabbing the hidden immunity idol (25). And finally, Stacey not only delivered the most hilarious stream of conciousness speak at Redemption Island I've ever witnessed (having a one-sided argument with Coach--oops, sorry, Benjamin--in the process (5)) but also generalized that since the members of Coach's alliance were young, they...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 4 Point Totals


Monday, October 3, 2011

Survivor Episode 3 Gif Party


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Real World: San Diego Episode 1 Gif Party


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 3 Fall Point Totals

And just as I suspected, The Real World is a game changer. Let's do a show breakdown, shall we? The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Brandi Glanville was introduced this episode, and as we've seen in previews, her presence is going to earn a lot of people a lot of points. Just not this episode. The only person who did drum up any kind of response on the scoreboard was Kyle, who mentioned her charity work (10), threw an extravagant party (10)--even if it was in the back of a mall--compared her wealth to another cast member's (10), and mentioned the Hilton name by referencing niece Paris' perfume (10). The Biggest Loser: What a house full of...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Ep. 3 Recap

When last we left off Kim was drooling half-words all over a phone that Adrienne was on the other end of. She's lost her power and she was sorry and she needed to look nice to bang basketball players. I'm not actually sure what she was saying, but I'd be willing to bet that she's been taking whatever she takes for long enough that if she were given equal tranq dosage as Secretariat, the horse would go down first. Adrienne and Paul are still waiting at the airpot, sitting in their chartered private jet and asking a still unintelligible Kim (who is still asking who's calling--don't you have her number saved in your phone?) how long it will take...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 4 Trailer!

Hallelujah! A teaser for season four of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is finally upon us! Looks like all of the ladies are back and so are the Herve Leger knockoffs they seem to love so much. Hey, somebody's gotta raise the bebe stock in the Kardashian and Basketball Wives off-season. I can't wait to see single Nene and pregnant Kim--how is this ish gonna stop smoking--and I really hope that Kandi gets that weave under control.  Watch the teaser, below...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Week's Superlatives

Biggest Cry Babies: The cast of The Biggest Loser. Most Disgusting Image: Lisa from America's Next Top Model using her hands to shove a hot dog and relish into her open mouth--full of aforementioned hot dog and relish. Biggest Understatement: Survivor's Coach on Creeper of the Century Brandon Hantz: "He's got demons." You think? Best Dancer: Vinny from The Biggest Loser....
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