Monday, June 27, 2011

Basketball Wives' Jennifer Williams Files for Divorce

According to TMZ, Basketball Wives' Jennifer Williams has finally decided to end her four-year marriage to former NBA player Eric Williams. After seasons and seasons of talking about how little she cared for her husband, she's finally decided to make it legal. Let's all celebrate with a mimosa! And thank god. I don't think I could have taken much more of her milking a dead relationship for the sake of a little-watched cable TV reality show. I mean, I know I shouldn't care about these people, but will someone think of the children? Wait, they don't have any children? Well, be careful now y'all. He might just throw you under the bus(t)...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Challenge: Rivals Gif Party!

Before we celebrate another amazing episode of The Challenge, here are some of the best moments of episode one. Yay!!! ...

Week 2 Points

This week's point breakdown: The Bachelorette: J.P.: 50 Ryan P.: 50 Constantine: 50 Ashley decided that having the guys beat the crap out of each other in a Muay Thai fighting ring would be the most romantic way of finding which one of these suckers she would string along while she desperately fantasizes about Bentley. Because of this all of our Bachelors garnered major points. Fifty each for both engaging in a physical fight and winning (that pussy Ames got his giant head clocked) for Ryan P., Constantine and J.P. Basketball Wives: Evelyn: 25 Royce: 0 Tami: 5 Evelyn continued her reign as both the hottest lady on the show AND the best...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bachelor Pad Cast Revealed!

Later in the season Poyer and I will be drafting players from Bachelor Pad. From the looks of the recently revealed partial cast list, it's going to be a doozy of a season. So, who do we have? Gia Allemand:    This chick is a returning cast member from the inaugural season of this train wreck of a show. Last season she all but fell in love with Wes (the bad-boy singing cowboy from Jillian's season), and it was pretty awkward to watch her cripplingly poor self-esteem be set on display for all the world to see. Her coquettish charm (read: sluttiness) and instability could make for some pretty good TV--and will probably garner a couple...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First Week Point Totals

Here's how I scored the week. Bachelorette: J.P. -20 Ryan P -25 Constantine 0 Nothing like screaming "Open mouth kiss her, you pussy!" at my TV to really show how great of a person you are. That got him 5 points. Unfortunately, Ryan P. and J.P. volunteered at an orphanage, giving up 25 points each. Basketball Wives: Royce  80Evelyn  60Tami  0 Nothing like a 60 point-per-participant fight to catapult one to the lead. I scored them each the same 5 for verbal fighting, 5 for a drink in the face, 25 for physical fighting, and 25 for being restrained. Roycew got another 5 for flashing her panties and a whopping 20 for plugging...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Player Profile: Paula Walnuts

You know she's got to be something special if I made her my first pick. Paula "Walnuts" Meronek has a long history on the Challenges. Having exploded onto our screens as the anorexic and borderline-alcoholic petite blonde on The Real World: Key West, Paula has gone on to get healthy, get massive breast implants and get really, really paranoid on lots of Challenges. I want to preface what I'm about to say with the fact that I really like Paula. She seems sweet and kind and fun to be around, even though she still won't accept my friend request on Facebook. Plus, there's that one time she sold a story about bartending for Lady Gaga and her ex-BF...

Helen's Draft: Well, They're All Trainwrecks But How Many Casualties Will They Provide?

Round 1: I was gifted (cursed?) with the very first pick of the draft. Here's the thing: I get nervous about meeting new janitorial staff in our office. This super important draft pic was a lot for me. I needed a player who could potentially get me points in all of the categories. I chose Paula Walnuts from The Challenge. She's typically emotionally unstable, willing to hook up and gets far in competitions. Round 2: Poyer chose Kenny Stantucci. Kenny Stantucci would be so proud. I decide to counter by choosing his partner, Wes Bergman, thus canceling out challenge points and (hopefully) getting some fight and hookup points. Round 3:...
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