Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Worst Audition Ever


Top 5 Gifs of Stacey's Redemption Island Meltdown


Week 5 Point Totals

Here's the point rundown: Survivor: The episode kicked off with Brandon crying (20) about what Mikayla said at Tribal Council. What a big meanie for saying that he was a Hantz and making him cry sad, sad man tears (10). Elyse, Dawn, Whitney and Coach all netted 5 points for uttering "alliance", with the latter also nabbing the hidden immunity idol (25). And finally, Stacey not only delivered the most hilarious stream of conciousness speak at Redemption Island I've ever witnessed (having a one-sided argument with Coach--oops, sorry, Benjamin--in the process (5)) but also generalized that since the members of Coach's alliance were young, they...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 4 Point Totals


Monday, October 3, 2011

Survivor Episode 3 Gif Party


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Real World: San Diego Episode 1 Gif Party


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 3 Fall Point Totals

And just as I suspected, The Real World is a game changer. Let's do a show breakdown, shall we? The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Brandi Glanville was introduced this episode, and as we've seen in previews, her presence is going to earn a lot of people a lot of points. Just not this episode. The only person who did drum up any kind of response on the scoreboard was Kyle, who mentioned her charity work (10), threw an extravagant party (10)--even if it was in the back of a mall--compared her wealth to another cast member's (10), and mentioned the Hilton name by referencing niece Paris' perfume (10). The Biggest Loser: What a house full of...
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